neibing的同音词,近音词及组词语有:内病、内兵、馁病.neibing中文含义解释:下表包含 neibing 相关词语 拼音 什么意思 解释等。共查找到拼音“neibing组词语” 3 个 内病 nèi bìng ⒈ 见“内疾”。[查看详情] 1 内兵 nèi bīng ⒈ 国内的兵乱。[查看详情] 2 馁病 něi bìng ⒈ 饥饿困顿...
1. 国际自然之友 例句 释义: 全部,国际自然之友,芮,你 更多例句筛选 1. The Taoist priest Zhang shan feng from the Wudang Mountain is believed to be the forefather of nei jia. However his story is still unclear. “内家”的始祖据说为武当山道教的张三丰,关于他的来历,一直众说纷纭。 home.done...
B开头 ba bai ban bang bao bei ben beng bi bian biao bie bin bing bo bu C开头 ca cai can cang cao ce cen ceng cha chai chan chang chao che chen cheng chi chong chou chu chua chuai chuan chuang chui chun chuo ci cong cou cu cuan cui cun cuo D开头 da dai dan dang dao de...
NEI 美 英 n.国际自然之友 网络线上合成表查询(Not Enough Items);芮;你 英汉 网络释义 n. 1. 国际自然之友 1. TheTaoistpriestZhangshanfengfrom the WudangMountainisbelievedtobe theforefatherofneijia.Howeverhisstoryisstillunclear. “内家”的始祖据说为武当山道教的张三丰,关于他的来历,一直众说纷纭。
网络内沟里;哪果 网络释义|基于4个网页 3. 李柏 详细说明:酒荘被著名酒评人罗拨.派克(R.Porker)评为五星,愿于李柏(Neipperg)伯爵所有。它坐落在圣.特美浓(St.Emilion)的中 …|基于 1 个网页
Nota:Queste impostazioni si applicano alle informazioni di ricerca di contatti suggerite per l'account e a tutte le posizioni in cui tali informazioni dell'account vengono usate in Microsoft (Bing, Calendario, Delve, Excel, LinkedIn, condivisione docu...
( neishengruanguliubing ) 别名: 软骨发育异常 , Oller病 西医 简介: 内生软骨瘤病是先天性软骨发育异常性疾病,但无遗传性的家属史。表现为在某些长骨的干骺端内有圆形或柱状酌软骨性肿块,伴骨干缩短及畸形。 人群: 此病多见于青少年。 发病机理: 在患者手指、掌部产生肿胀逐渐长大,而产生多数结节状肿块,...
In this study, the central district of Bingl province was selected and focused on the cluster coverage problem in order to establish a communication infrastructure that will cover the whole district in a planned manner in case of a disaster. The application consists of...
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