Twitter Google Share on Facebook negroni (redirected fromNegroni cocktail) ne·gro·ni (nə-grō′nē)·gro·nis A cocktail made of gin, sweet vermouth, and bitters, often garnished with a lemon or orange peel. [Probably named after its inventor, possibly Count CamilloNegroni(186...
History: Negroni cocktail history and recipe variations Nutrition: One serving of Negroni Cocktail contains 178 calories. Alcohol content: 1.4 standard drinks 21.57% alc./vol. (43.14° proof) 19.4 grams of pure alcohol Difford's Guide remains free-to-use thanks to the support of the brands...
The Negroni is one of the truly classic cocktails, still relevant and enjoyed by cocktail connoisseurs over a century after its invention. In this post, we demystify the art of crafting this classic cocktail and explain how to make the perfect Negroni. Table of Contents With its perfectly balan...
关于Negroni的起源,虽然流传着一战后意大利发明该鸡尾酒的说法,但这一说法缺乏确凿的历史依据,因此并不被严谨的历史学者所认可。事实上,直到上世纪中叶,Negroni才在鸡尾酒书籍中首次亮相。据Gary Regan所著的《The Joy of Mixology》记载,Negroni首次出现在1955年的某些书籍中。而在此之前的1932年Savoy杂志和1958...
正如《Negroni Cocktail》一书的作者卢卡·皮奇(Luca Picchi)所说:“Negroni能穿越战争与低潮存活,是因为它的灵魂足够混沌——既能承载精英的矫饰,也不拒绝市井的狂放。” Negroni是剧变之后诞生的新东西。那是20世纪初的意大利佛罗伦萨,在19世纪短暂成为意大利王国的首都之后,这座城市留下了许多王室贵族、政府人员、外...
Adding the cream and a equal part of the concord grape brought the bitterness of the basic negroni cocktail recipe into balance. The grape Negroni has a complex balance of bitterness, tart and creaminess and makes for a delicious take on the classic Negroni! If you want a winter flip, make...
See: Negroni cocktail history More cocktails by Joaquín Simó Nutrition: One serving of Kingston Negroni contains 202 calories. Alcohol content: 1.7 standard drinks 26.51% alc./vol. (53.02° proof) 23.9 grams of pure alcohol Difford's Guide remains free-to-use thanks to the support of ...
According to legend, in 1919 it was an Italian named Count Negroni who first asked for the cocktail that came to bear his name. A wonderful aperitif, it's no surprise cocktail lovers have been asking for it ever since.
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意大利佛罗伦萨Caffe Rivoire的首席调酒师Lucca Picchi撰写的《伯爵的足迹:内格罗尼鸡尾酒的真实故事》(Sulle Tracce del Conte:La Vera Storia del Cocktail Negroni)中记载了这杯酒的由来。 “尼格罗尼”起初并不是鸡尾酒的名字,而是一个人名。“尼格罗尼”出生于19世纪末期的意大利,家里世袭伯爵,凭着优渥的家庭...