the chief of bolivia's state-run energy firm ypfb, armin dorgathen tapia, told reuters on friday by phone. the talks are previously unreported. chilean authorities on friday also said in a statement to reuters that they expect to reach a new agreement with ...
If money is left over, then you can pay suppliers, credit card companies, lease deficiencies, and bills for random business expenses—for instance, advertising, travel and entertainment charges, dues and subscriptions, and repairs and maintenance....
How you can profit from credit cards: using credit to improve your financial life and bottom line your first card, compare credit offers, or figure out how to beat the credit card companies at their own game, Arnold's wisdom and insider tips will prove invaluable."-Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, ...
Once a story of debtor irresponsibility and a permissive system, bankruptcy became framed by issues of credit industry power, loopholes for the rich, and concerns for women and children. This article describes the path of this omnibus legislation, offers an interdisciplinary analysis of the role of...
but basically what I did do was I had several offers, and one of them was financially a lot more attractive than the other, as well as being from a very fancy name school. Not that the school I ended up with wasn’t a great university, but the other one I had an offer from that...
They might really want what you're offering, but they'll weigh that up against how greedy you're being and their relationships with all the other nations involved. It's not as simple as just throwing potential gifts at people. (Image credit: Paradox Interactive) Britain comes to the side ...
wide availability. When one company drives other companies out or prevents entry, that is bad for consumers. I don't like giving my credit card info to multiple companies, so limiting my choice to Amazon means I won't be buying your product, but I'd gladly ...
showing how easy and user-friendly it is to use the mouse driven interface to lay track in various con,gurations or create a mountain range and put in a tunnel.The demonstrations often ended with Badtrash or Mutey making the sale and passing the cash or credit card slip over to Tony or...