Abuse and Neglect in Nursing Homes: The Role of Serious Mental IllnessDylan J Jester, PhD, MPHVictor Molinari, PhDJohn R Bowblis, PhDDebra Dobbs, PhDJanice C Zgibor, RPh, PhDRoss Andel, PhDThe Gerontologist
Most of the literature concerned with medical decisions in nursing homes focuses on the autonomy of residents and utility of care, but neglects the complexity involved in the process. After all, post elections, the governor has seen the fate of governments which have neglected these areas. He'...
These incidentsare prevalentin U.S. nursing homes. But they arelargely overlookedby the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the federal agency overseeing care in approximately 15,000 nursing homes across the country. Consequently, such incidentsremain untracked,understudiedand largely unaddressed....
Nursing homes--Standards Article excerpt OPERATION Jasmine and the Francis Report into failings at Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust recently highlighted examples of unacceptable care in Wales and the UK. They also made it perfectly clear to all that we have lessons to learn about how we provide and...
Examines the state of affairs in nursing homes in the United States. Examples of the abuse of elderly patients; Bessie Seday's experiences at the Creekside Care Convalescent Hospital in California; Fraud, neglect, and other common occ...