Social media receives a negative stigma when judging its effects on the brain. Of course, there are countless pitfalls of technology-based social platforms, but social media is a positive presence in the lives of many. Brain activity in multiple areas of the brain responds to the stimuli by m...
We already see how social media pictures make people dislike parts of their body. Over the couple of years, the numbers of plastic surgeries to correct parts of the body has grown among teens globally. But, what happens when you live in a fantasy world where you design the perfect body an...
If my old job could grant 10 weeks of vacation a year, I would have stayed on for at least another five years. Now that we can go on vacation 365 days a year, it's just not that exciting anymore. We did travel for 6-8 weeks between 2012 – 2016. However, by the end of...
Itsveryeasytolosetouchofrealityandbegantopreferstayinginthevirtualworldandevenpreferittoyourpersonallife. InferiorityComplexandDepression Wealreadyseehowsocialmediapicturesmakepeopledislikepartsoftheirbody.Overthecoupleofyears,thenumbersofplasticsurgeriestocorrectpartsofthebodyhasgrownamongteensglobally.But,whathappenswh...