The other prominent lexical feature in negative comments posted by online newsreaders issi, an article used before proper nouns to show intimate relations or insult (2,152 words/million). The articlesioften co-occurs with other words referring to Joko Widodo, e.g. si Joko (the given name of...
We present the keywords from each experiment (those words which are represented with largest magnitude in each topic) and the classification accuracy measuring the discrepancy between \({\textbf{Y}}\) and the computed matrices \({\textbf{B}}\) and \({\textbf{S}}\). The reconstruction ...
an elective CNV develops following only that odorant. In other words, cognitive performance in discriminating the two odorants is thus captured (Gerull et al., 1981;Lorig and Roberts, 1990).Mrowinski et al. (2002)recorded CNVs from 25 normosmic adults and from 16 patients with anosmia. In...
Omitted variable bias is a function of the relationship between the X variables, not the functional form of the relationship with the dependent variable. In other words, we can still make the same generalizations about the direction of the bias as previously described when considering logit, ...
people, again especially for teenagers who do not think carefully before posting online. That is to say, information which is put online can remain there forever and while people may share intimate communications with close friends, these words can then resurface later on leading to much ...
this measure has high test–retest reliability and internal consistency (r ¼ 0.93; a ¼ 0.83).13 This questionnaire consists of 60 words relating to an emotional (for example, cheerful, angry), physical (for example, tired, at ease) or socioemotional (for example, active, irritable) stat...
The key words were presented for 1.5 min each during the sad mood induction scan, were chosen by participants, and were related to three negative life events produced after participants were individually assessed immediately prior to the fMRI session. Participants were also presented with sad back...
It should be noted that some examples of ineffective leader behaviors (e.g., poor reward allocation) are acts of omission—in other words, they are the outcome of failure to use the positive behavior when needed. But this is not the case with other ineffective leader behaviors that have eme...
. In other words, the bridge between maladaptive and adaptive emotional experiences is in the articulation of one’s previously unmet existential needs. This creates a focussed direction and the process of working through produces moments of positive self-evaluation or affirmation where one agentically...
The mechanism involved was the same, except that with chronic physical dependence, chronic morphine elevated the homeostatic level above the pre-addiction level. In other words, at the time when morphine was administered, the animal was already in early abstinence and the homeostatic level was ...