I was always called on to stand on the very top of the ladder to fix things. I have all the RH negative traits, L6, hazel eyes, psychic so bad it scares my wife, 148 IQ. I’m here just trying to figure out what it all means, where it comes from. Wife got me a DNA test ...
Using a subsample of 1,869 adults (48.30 % male; meanage = 48.48; 4.67 % AFMs), this study aimed to explore whether: (1) AFM status is associated with NMH (depression, anxiety, panic, post-traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety, binge drinking, tobacco use, and drug use symptoms) ...
Consequently, resilience is described as either a set of heritable traits, an outcome of stressful life transactions, or as a process-construct reflecting an interaction between trait attitudes and behaviours with life experiences (Ahern, Kiehl, Sole, & Byers, 2006). Resilience measures commonly ...