This was due to the involvement of the trapped charges at the DE/FE interface, originating from the very high field across the thin Al2O3 layer when the BaTiO3 layer played a role as the NC layer. Therefore, the NC effect in the Al2O3/BaTiO3 system was frustrated by the involvement...
This was due to the involvement of the trapped charges at the DE/FE interface, originating from the very high field across the thin Al2O3 layer when the BaTiO3 layer played a role as the NC layer. Therefore, the NC effect in the Al2O3/BaTiO3 system was frustra...
This research adopted follow the recommendation of Fornell and Larcker (Citation1981), suggesting that the correlation coefficient between each variable should not exceed the value of the square root of the average variance extracted (AVE). The result indicated that all construct have a correlation ...
Note: * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; a = Cronbach’s alpha; AVE = Average variance extracted; Square root of the AVE are on the diagonal. 4.2. Measurement model CFA was supportive of adequate model fit (X2/df = 411.37/293 = 1.4, TLI= 0.97. CFI= 0.97, SRMR= 0.037, RMSEA= 0.035)...
To minimize the impact of head motion, we applied additional preprocessing steps using FSL 6.0. Specifically, we detected motion spikes using the FSL toolfsl_motion_outliers. This tool evaluates motion spikes with two metrics: (1) root-mean-square (RMS) intensity difference of each volume relativ...
of which the excitation frequency is greater than √{square root over (2)} times the inherent frequency of the system. Furthermore, after system design and shaping, the stiffness and damping are fixed, and the self-adaptive ability is poor. Therefore, in the field of low-frequency vibration...
However, no validations have been carried out to analyze the psychometric properties of the online version of the PANAS. The present study investigates the psychometric properties of the online Spanish version of the PANAS in a clinical sample of individuals with emotional disorders. Methods The ...
When the Comparative Fit Index (CFI) and Tucker-Lewis Fit Index (TLI) >0.9 and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) <0.08, the model fits well with the data [35]. When examining the relationship between childhood trauma and insomnia, the problem of a strong correlation between ...
The first is the emergence of individuals that would be blind to QS signals but still would benefit from the QS-regulated functions of others, and in this case we would speak of QS-cheating. The second one is the emergence of QS signal-negative or - attenuated individuals that would use ...
Beha- vioral measures obtained in the analysis of stereotyped responses to VitC and APO treatment (ie, scores for climbing, leaning, and sniffing behavior) were first subjected to square- root transformation to better conform the data to the normal distribution assumption of parametric ANOVA. These...