The high factor loadings suggest that the items are good measures of their respective constructs. The discriminant validity checks, including comparing the square root of AVE with inter-construct correlations and the HTMT ratios, affirm that the constructs are distinct. Overall, the model demonstrates...
How do you find the square root of a negative number like -5? Complex Numbers: Numbers that cannot be represented on a number line are called complex numbers. {eq}\pi{/eq} is not a complex number because even though it is an unending decimal, we can still represent it on a number ...
Let g (x) = square root (x), find g (square root (x) + 4). Is there a easy way to figure out square root of something? If u square root {1 - v^2} + v square root {1 - u^2} = a, show that {d^2v} / {du^2} = {-a} / {1 - u^2}^{3 / 2}. Why ...
Nowadays, breast cancer is considered one of the most upsetting malignancies among females. Encapsulation of celecoxib (CXB) and prodigiosin (PDG) into zein/sodium caseinate nanoparticles (NPs) produce homogenous and spherical nanoparticles with good encapsulation efficiencies (EE %) and bioavailability. ...
Jianming Bai2, Ruijuan Xiao1, Yong-Sheng Hu1, Hong Li1, Xiao-Qing Yang2, Liquan Chen1 & Xuejie Huang1 Room-temperature sodium-ion batteries have shown great promise in large-scale energy storage applications for renewable energy and smart grid because of the abundant sodium resources and lo...
(TLI), the root mean square of approximation (RMSEA), and the standardized root mean residual (SRMR). TLI and CFI values greater than 0.90, RMSEA, and SRMR values lower than 0.08 were accepted as indicators of an acceptable model fit (Brown,2015; Hu & Bentler,1999). Next to the ...
Model fit indices suggested by Kline (2011) were used to assess model fit: nonsignificant chi-square value, root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) <0.05, Bentler comparative fit index (CFI) >0.95, and a standardized root mean square residual (SRMR) <0.08. Following Kline's (2011)...
Cube Root: The cube root of a number is defined as a number or a factor that when multiplied by itself three times results to the original number. It is basically the same as finding the square root, the difference is that, the square root means multiplying the...
Because CFI, TLI, and RMSEA have been shown to perform differently for models with categorical indicators (Shi et al., 2020), we also considered a more robust Square Root Mean Residual (SRMR) with a cutoff value of less than 0.08. All fit indices were taken into account simultaneously to ...
a) Write a function of x that performs the following operations: Raise x to the seventh power, multiply by 5, and Let a be a real number. Find lim_{x to 0} (1 + x)^{a / x}. Show that if c greater than 1, then (n-th root of c) =...