of the signification produced above, of the jouissance that it restores by the coefficient of its statement to the function of a lack of a signifier (-1)." Sokal and Bricmont comment simply, "It is, we confess, distressing to see our erectile organ equated to the (square root of negativ...
Error: 6199 Attempt to evaluate real square root of negative number.Login
These experiments directly con(cid:222)rm the predictions of Maxwell(cid:213)s equations that n is given by the negative square root of e z m for the frequencies where both the permittivity ( e ) and the permeability ( m ) are negative. Con(cid:222)gurations of geometrical optical ...
Despite containing the square root (4) the transmission amplitude T(p, q) is single valued in the complex p-plane, T(p,q)=T(p,−q) and we are free to change the sign of q in the first expression in the r.h.s. of Eq. (5). However, the same change has consequences, if ...
50 Gaps in the sequence square root n mod 1 1:14:50 No IET is Mixing 1:07:27 Rotary Molecular Motors Driven By Transmembrane Ionic Currents 59:28 Floer Homology Applications 3 1:02:48 Furstenberg's topological x2 x3 result 1:07:00 Statistical Estimation with Differential Privacy 1:06:37...
Correlation combines several important and related statistical concepts, namely, variance and standard deviation. Variance is the dispersion of a variable around the mean, and standard deviation is the square root of variance. The formula is:
As a side note, I will be adding DFGLS unit root test in the next week or so and PP unit root test a few weeks later. I added the Leybourne-McCabe stationarity test a few months ago. Also added an ARFIMA sim with Lo’s modified R/S test for long memory to be added soon. https...
A fast method of computing the square root of a matrix By considering the square root of a matrix as being a special case of a matrix Riccati-type equation, a fast economical algorithm is developed as a stable ... WD Hoskins,DJ Walton - 《IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control》 被引量...
data obtained from the release study were plotted as log cumulative drug remaining within NPs versus time (h). In Higuchi kinetic model, data obtained from the release study were plotted as %CDR versus square root of time (h), while in Korsmeyer-Peppas model, data of the release study were...
Root mean square value measuring device PURPOSE: To provide an RMS value voltmeter with a high measuring precision which can be manufactured at low cost. CONSTITUTION: A signal to be measured is coupled to a first RMS converter 4 having a good high frequency response and a sho... R Swerlei...