Some of the Office’s negative findings were in areas where controls were in place but had been breached as a result of factors [...] 在监督厅发现一些负面结果的领 域确 有控制手段,但由于工作人员不熟悉政策、规则和程 序、培训不当或管理监督不善等因素而被违反。 d...
Once people get the idea that bad things are g [{Blank}] therapies are based on the thinking of Sigmund Freud. (a) Gestalt (b) Client-centered (c) Psychoanalytic (d) Behavioral Depressed persons see themselves in negative terms due...
If she thought that an application would give rise to potential conflict of interest (which mightleadtonegativepublic perception) or give rise to negative public perception or embarrass the Government even if there was no potential conflict of interest, she would consider whether the potential conflic...
government service, or causenegativepublic perception embarrassing the Government and undermining [...] 政府規管離職公務員從事外間工作的政策,旨在確保公務員在離職 前休假期間或離職後,不會在政府以外從事可能與其過往政府職務有實 際或潛在利益衝突,或引起公眾負面看法致令政府尷尬及...