Case studies of the impact of the negative AO on the 2009-10 and 2010-11 dry seasons will be presented to illustrate how the expected impacts of a strong El Nino and strong La Nina were modified by the negative AO's. Finally, the development of an AO Event definition and climatology, ...
The interannual variations (IAV) of the CO2growth rate (CGR) are found to be strongly correlated with El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO)12,13(for example,R = −0.55,P < 0.05 in ref.12, Pearson correlation coefficient), particularly with tropical temperature variations7,8,9(for...
The impacts of interspecific competition include endocrine fluctuations in female parent birds (Mazuc et al., 2003), a decrease in clutch size (Nicolaus et al., 2009), a change in food resources caused by overlapping foraging sites (Custer et al., 2003), an interference of fledging rate (...
As a result, it is impossible to quantify the relative impacts of different tropical climate patterns on ISM, complying with a single physical mechanism. Here, we show that tropical teleconnections to ISM can be explained through net moisture convergence driven by surface pressure () gradients ...
EL NinoSOUTHERN oscillationLA NinaOCEAN temperatureMONSOONSThe existing theories for the tropical teleconnections to Indian summer monsoon (ISM) are diverse in approaches. As a result, it is impossible to quantify the relative impacts of different tropical climate patterns on ISM, complying with a ...
Impacts of negative spatial autocorrelation on frequency distributions. Chil. J. Stat. 2018, 9, 3–17. 13. Besag, J. Spatial interaction and the statistical analysis of lattice systems. J. R. Stat. Soc. B 1974, 36, 192–225. [CrossRef] 14. Cressie, N. Geostatistics. Am. Stat. ...
However, they have very different impacts on fungal cells. β-glucan is essential for fungal cell survival, at least for species of Aspergillus and Candida [2,3], hence, β-glucan synthase inhibitors (echinocandins) are used clinically to treat systemic aspergillosis and candidiasis [4]. In ...