What are the impacts of human to the environment? In your community, what environmental effects are associated with agriculture? What is the type of pollution that impacts the carbon cycle? What are the effects of climate change/global warming on animal life? What are the factors that influence...
Through a low carbon production process OSTO absorbs CO2as it hardens, which, coupled with the avoided impact of burning plastic waste, helps offset embodied energy associated with production, including carbon footprints of raw materials, transportation and the like, resulting in a net carbon-...
We present scenarios of negative emission practices in an eco-engineering context based on the mechanisms discussed. We do not discuss approaches that are well known to the scientific community (e.g., oceanic iron fertilization and coastal blue carbon) and those that neglect ecological impacts (e...
Meeting the 1.5 °C target may require removing up to 1,000 Gtonne CO2by 2100 with Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs). We evaluate the impacts of Direct Air Capture and Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (DACCS and BECCS), finding that removing 5.9 Gtonne/year CO2can prevent <...
The water, carbon and energy footprints of each value chain were calculated, and their impact on the overall system water, carbon and power efficiencies were evaluated. An extensive literature review was performed and a statistical analysis of the available data is presented. In order to describe ...
What do you think is greatest negative impact of human activities on the environment? What are the impacts of herbivory on plant communities? How do ecological footprints affect the Earth? Briefly explain how forests are impacted by climate change and how ...
Crop residue input practice increased the functional metabolic footprints of nematodes under elevated ozone. The carbon utilization of soil biological communities shifted from soil organic carbon to extractable organic carbon after crop residue incorporation. Soil nitrate-nitrogen was the main supplier to ...
This may depend on the rates of N deposition as well as the initial N conditions in investigated ecosystems [24]. Moreover, increasing N deposition also impacts the plant community diversity and primary production, which both are assumed to impact the C allocation to soils via above- and ...
Therefore, this paper presents a methodological approach for the evaluation of bioenergy potentials and the attainable environmental impacts of these processes in terms of their carbon footprints. A procedure for determining bioenergy potentials is presented, which provides information on the amount of ...
non-Saccharomyces yeast strains in the fermentation process—instead of the more traditional de-alcoholising process—can effectively get rid of sensory faults, offer new non-traditional flavours (without additional investments in specialised equipment), and reduce the carbon footprint of brewing [5]....