exponent n. 1.指数 2.说明者,说明物 3.(理论,信仰,事业等的)倡导者,拥护者 4. 某种活动的能手 a. 说明的 Exponent 指数(=EX)在一个浮点代表方式中,用数字来表示乘方,在被乘以前将隐含的浮点基提升,用固定点部分来决定实数作代表。一个数代表另一个数要乘多少次,即指数。在印刷排字中,以一个数字放在...
(in a mathematical equation) the use of an exponent to raise the value of the base number to a power Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
词条negative exponent专业释义 <海事> 负指数词条提问 欢迎你对此术语进行提问>> 行业词表 石油纺织轻工业造纸采矿信息学农业冶金化学医学医药地理地质外贸建筑心理学数学机械核能汽车海事消防物理生物学电力电子金融财会证券法律管理经贸人名药名解剖学胚胎学生理学药学遗传学中医印刷商业商务大气科学天文岩土工程测绘土木工程...
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: negative exponent【数】;negative index【数】 negative exponent【数】;negative index【数】分享到: 负指数分类: 科技词汇 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释:以下为句子列表:分享到: ...
They are exponents that happen to be negative. An expression written with one or more negative exponents is not written in proper form, and must be rewritten. To do this, the expression with the negative exponent is moved to the denominator of a fraction and the exponent is written as a ...
That exponent is negative ... what does it mean?Negative ExponentsNegative? What could be the opposite of multiplying? Dividing!Dividing is the inverse (opposite) of Multiplying.A negative exponent means how many times to divide by the number....
One is that a normal distribution falls off according to the negative exponential of the square of the distance from the mean. 一个是正态分布下降是依据中间部分转角处到平面距离的负指数。 article.yeeyan.org 4. On the Spectra of Some Ordinary Differential Operators with Negative Exponential Coefficie...
The negative exponents describe how many times we have to divide the base number. Visit BYJU’S to learn the definition, rules, procedure for solving the negative exponents with examples.
numerator (up) was greater than the one in the denominator (down), so the final exponent after simplifying was always a positive number, and greater than zero. In this section, we will explore what happens when we apply the quotient rule for exponents and get a negative or zero exp...
negative rational exponent、 rational exponent、 logic factoring、rationalize的意思中文和英文意思都要,最好还有例子! 答案 negative rational exponent 负有理指数rational exponent 有理指数logic factoring 逻辑因式分解rationalize 有理化相关推荐 1negative rational exponent、 rational exponent、 logic factoring、rationa...