So, Robert's choice makes sense if he is concerned about the damaging effects of emotional contagion. But... that still leaves one big issue: is "catching" only positive emotions a Good Thing? Does this mean surrounding ourselves with "fake" goodness and avoiding the truth? Does surrounding ...
Leonie Huddy, Stanley Feldman, and Erin C. Cassese, “On the Distinct Political Effects of Anxiety and Anger,” inThe Affect Effect: Dynamics of Emotion in Political Thinking and Behavior, ed. W. Russell Neuman, George E. Marcus, Michael MacKuen, and Ann N. Crigler. (Chicago: University o...
Be mindful and intentional of your social media use. This includes following people and brands that make us feel good and unfollowing people that don't make us feel good. Look for those that post funny memes or inspirational quotes to help easestress. Use social media as a way to plan fa...
"The experience of bullying appears to heighten these risks independently of other biological and environmental factors. The negative effects of bullying have been shown to be long-lasting, with research revealing that children who are bullied are at risk of experiencing poor social, health, and eco...