defense mechanismprejudiceGENDER SELF-ESTEEMHOMOPHOBIAPREJUDICEGAYThe present study investigated the influence of sexual stereotyping on the diagnostic impressions and treatment expectations of gay and straight male patients. Italian male straight licensed psychotherapists (N = 152) were presented with clinical...
When you experience negative emotions as a result of criticism or rejection, for example, your body produces higher levels of the stress hormone, which shuts down much of your thinking and activates (激活) conflict and defense mechanisms (机制). You assume that situations are worse than they ...
According to Freud, anxiety disorders result from: a. the use of rigid defense mechanisms to try to control forbidden impulses. b. faulty self-concepts. c. conditioned emotional responses that generalize to new situations. d. distorted th...
Targeting cellular mechanisms that regulate protein degradation pathways [i.e., autophagy and the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS)] may offer a therapeutic avenue to exploit cancer cell vulnerabilities [4]. While the clinical efficacy of proteasome inhibitors in certain malignancies supports this notion...
Often, people have unrealistic beliefs stemming from being unable to let go, say goodbye, mourn a loss, and move forward. Misconstrued interpretations may lead to emotional conflict. Such conflict is often managed by defense mechanisms rooted in denial of the loss. For example, the euphemistic ph...
Altogether, these unique features of the OM of Gram-negatives combined with the presence of efflux pumps provide a strong defense against commonly used antibiotics9. Bacterial enzymes targeting antibacterial agents Apart from these features of the OM and efflux pumps as mechanisms of limited ...
Further, the prevalence of overconfidence among founding entrepreneurs toward their new ventures (Busenitz & Barney,1997; Camerer & Lovallo,1999) begs consideration of the possibility that positive and negative family events have opposite effects on new ventures. Entrepreneurs’ overconfidence is a double...
TRX is upregulated in a variety of human tumours, including lung, pancreatic, colon, gastric, and breast cancer, although the molecular mechanisms by which TRX augments tumorigenesis are unclear2. Upregulation of TRX is associated with inhibition of apoptosis, promotion of tumour cell proliferation...
Text 3 Scientists have found that although we are prone to snap overreactions, if we take a moment and think about how we are likely to react, we can reduce or even eliminate the negative effects of our quick, hard-wired responses. Snap decisions can...
Catechol-Functional Chitosan/Silver Nanoparticle Composite as a Highly Effective Antibacterial Agent with Species-Specific Mechanisms Article Open access 12 May 2017 Green Synthesis of Chitosan Bio-Nanocomposites and Investigation of their Antimicrobial and Antitumor Effects Article 31 May 2021 Efficient...