ofeconomic globalization.TheThirdWorldnationsareoftenexploitedforcheaplabor, abundantresourcesandpotentialtrademarkets.Thisentailstheargumentthat globalizationhasbroughtwithflagrantabuseofhumanrights.Thiscanbe validatedbythedebaclethatNikewasinvolvedinaschildrenindeveloping countriesareexploitedbyNiketoworkinconditionsofpoor...
in the process of economic globalization. The Third World nations are often exploited for cheap labor, abundant resources and potential trade markets. This entails the argument that globalization has brought with flagrant abuse of human rights. This can be validated by the debacle that Nike was ...
investigate the impacts of an additional online-to-store channel and spillover effect on the optimal retail channel choice of a supply chain. The impact of spillover effect is discussed on the selection of retail channel, the manufacturer's profit, online retailer's profit and consumer surplus....
investigate the impacts of an additional online-to-store channel and spillover effect on the optimal retail channel choice of a supply chain. The impact of spillover effect is discussed on the selection of retail channel, the manufacturer’s profit, online retailer’s profit and consumer surplus...