In this work, we consider an economic model of how individuals respond to a classification algorithm, focusing on settings where each individual desires a positive classification (in other words, a positive reward). This includes many important applications, such as hiring and scho...
Zeira, "A low bias algorithm to estimate negative SNRs in an AWGN channel," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 6, no. 11, pp. 469-471, November 2002.Bin Li, Robert DiFazio and Ariela Zeira, "A Low Bias Algorithm to Estimate Negative SNRs in an AWGN Channel", IEEE Commun Lett, 2002,...
In this subsection, we consider the second source of bias, namely the optimal choice of the classification method. Here the tuning parameters are either optimized through a correct inner cross-validation procedure or fixed to a single plausible value in order to handle all 10 classifiers equally....
second world war appr secondpromo second-category commo second-order correcti second-order fluids second-order reason second-ringgroove second-trip echo secondthird boot devi secondary aerosols secondary animation secondary backfill secondary brake holdi secondary bright aber secondary brush secondary carniv...
Similar to quasi-GLMs [47] and GLMMs [44–46], the above IWLS algorithm for fitting the NBMMs introduces an additional parameter σ2, which can correct for over-dispersion to some extent even if θ is not well estimated. Therefore, our approach can be robust and efficient to deal with ...
(A), either via an algorithm provided by Aiforia or DLAP-4, as indicated. Right: remaining TH-positive neurons [%] in mice, treated with a neurodegenerative drug, calculated relative to the mean of the saline-treated group. Data are given as boxplots (median, 10–90 percentile) for ...
Theoretical and empirical studies of the cultural evolution in technology have often focused on positive observational learning, i.e., copying a successful individual. However, negative observational learning, i.e., avoiding negative or bad exemplar beha
The functional data underwent de-spiking to smooth outliers in each voxel using AFNI’s52 3dDespike, rigid transformation to correct for head motion using FSL’s53 MCFLIRT, and slice-time correction using FSL Slicetimer to control for temporal differences in the order of the acquisition of the ...
Since cultural strength is a relational property between distributions held by individuals within a group, using the correct group-specific support of the individual’s mindshare distribution is crucial. If the cultural strength of one organization arises from a shared high importance given to “...
A new ensemble-based algorithm for identifying breath gas marker candidates in liver disease using ion molecule reaction mass spectrometry. Bioinformatics. 2009;25:941–7. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Bennett L, Ciaffoni L, Denzer W, Hancock G, Lunn AD, Peverall R, et al. A ...