Alcohol use was operationalized to include amount and frequency of drinking, binge drinking, and drunkenness. Negative consequences included: having a hangover, missing a class, getting behind in school work, doing something that was later regretted, forgetting where the student was or what they did...
Research has been consistent in finding a relationship between “binge drinking” (broadly defined as consuming an excess of alcoholic beverages in a single episode) and numerous negative consequences. Specifically, sexual assault victimization, violent behavior, property damage, risky sexual behavior, poo...
Research has been consistent in finding a relationship between “binge drinking” (broadly defined as consuming an excess of alcoholic beverages in a single episode) and numerous negative consequences. Specifically, sexual assault victimization, violent behavior, property damage, risky sexual behavior, poo...
Pre-gaming, or drinking before going out, is common among young adults and associated with heavier drinking and negative consequences. However, findings have been mixed as to whether a unique, day-level association between pre-gaming and negative consequences exists independent of alcohol intake. It...
One of the main consequences of partying like you’re Prince (am I showing my age here?) and it’s 1999 is this – sleep deprivation. Not enough of it, poor quality sleep, or not even being able to get there in the first place. And this can be whether your party fun was chemicall...
Each of these five impulsivity-like traits (negative urgency, positive urgency, sensation seeking, lack of premeditation, and lack of perseverance) have been found to be associated with marijuana use and related consequences [15, 41,42,43]. Impulsivity, major depressive disorder, and marijuana use...
7. Traumatic Brain Injury Among US Active Duty Military Personnel and Negative Drinking-Related Consequences [O] . Rachel Sayko Adams, Mary Jo Larson, John D. Corrigan, 2013 机译:创伤性脑损伤美国现役军事人员和负饮水相关后果 8. Frequent Binge Drinking After Combat-Acquired Traumatic Brain Inj...
As a result, even when level of alcohol consumption is held constant across individuals, those who drink in response to negative mood are likely to experience more negative consequences and alcohol problems. Indeed, several studies have found that negative urgency predicts unique variance in alcohol-...
(Melis et al., 2006). Interestingly, inexperimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis(the animal model of multiple sclerosis), cannabinoid administration is neuroprotective through both the activation of CB1 on neurons (by reducing the consequences of the immune attack-evoked excitotoxicity;Baker et al., ...
of sorority membership, it is important to understand why Greek life is not always viewed in a positive light. Much of the literature focuses on the negative consequences of Greek membership; however this assessment project attempts to showcase what sorority women gain through involvement in these ...