R negative.binomial 负二项式 GLM 的族函数R语言 negative.binomial 位于MASS 包(package)。 说明 使用glm() 指定使用已知 theta 参数拟合负二项式广义线性模型所需的信息。 用法 negative.binomial(theta = stop("'theta' must be specified"), link = "log") 参数 theta 附加参数 theta 的已知值。 link...
zhangyuqing / ComBat-seq Star 160 Code Issues Pull requests Batch effect adjustment based on negative binomial regression for RNA sequencing count data rna-seq negative-binomial-regression batch-effects Updated Sep 24, 2020 R const-ae / glmGamPoi Star 105 Code Issues Pull requests Fit ...
GLM negative binomial model using source, style and theme variables predicting number of per-tweet retweets during the Boston Marathon Bombing.Jeannette SuttonC. Ben GibsonEmma S. SpiroCedar LeagueSean M. FitzhughCarter T. Butts
The negative binomial regression, which is a standard statis- tical method for analyzing over-dispersed count observa- tions, has been recently applied to microbiome data [28]. On the other hand, several zero-inflated models have also been proposed to correct for excess zero counts in ...
The GLM framework of the Lee–Carter model: a multi-country study The Lee鈥揅arter model is a well-known model in modeling mortality. We aim to compare three probability models (Poisson, negative binomial and binomial) ba... S Azman,D Pathmanathan,R Aykroyd - 《Journal of Applied Statisti...
This paper focused on one type of compound binomial-negative binomial risk model,discussed the adjustment factors by martingale and derived the final bankruptcy probability ψ(u) expression and Lundberg inequality when insurance companies' initial reserve is u. 关键词: risk models martingale bankruptcy ...
[26] in different treatments (e.g., treated versus untreated, or drug holiday versus untreated), and/or were the most abundant at each time series sample (see Fig.3a). For this purpose, we used edgeR, which implements a negative Binomial model to determine genes whose expression changes ...
We next performed a standard binomial test comparing the number of clones with a binary fate change between Cherry− and lentiviral-transduced Cherry+ cells compared with clonal fate when data were reversed (Cherry+ to Cherry−) (Figure S3G; STAR Methods). Here, we found that WT HSPC ...
in this setting, study planning with simulation is another valuable tool. the additional variability on the column margin in the contingency table results in the tnd cell counts followed a multinomial distribution rather than a binomial distribution with one-way variability as in the case–control ...
在这种情况下,较为合适的做法是采用负二项回归模型 (negative binomial regression model,NBR regression) 。 负二项 回归模型的密度函数为 ㈧ = ( )~( ), - o. ,⋯, ㈠ 张萃:制造业 区域 集聚与技术创新 :基 于负二项模型的实证分析 109 其中,E(v IX ) = ,Var(yi xi) = (1...