Evaluating false negatives requires starting with negative decisions, pairs of references that were not brought together by the ER process. In general this involves a much larger set. In particular, Figure 1.5 is not drawn to scale because for most applications the set (SxS)-M tends to be muc...
In general, you don’t use a comma before because, in most sentences. When you add a second clause to a sentence starting with because the meaning is usually quite clear. You are explaining the reason why something happened in the first clause. For example,I’m always hungry now because ...
I will do a lesson on positive agreement in the future. It’s similar to this one, but “either” is not used at all. Here is an example: “He has a big family.” “Me too.”“I do too.”“So do I.” Alex Alex please help me with the word “EVER”., how can i use thi...
(1993). Some instantiations of the informational negativity effect: Positive-negative asymmetry in category breadth and in estimated meaning similarity of trait adjectives. European Journal of Social Psychology, 23(2), 111-129.Claeys, W., Timmers, L., 1993. Some instantiations of the informational...