Synonyms for NEGATIVE: hostile, adverse, unfavorable, unpleasant, contentious, antagonistic, conflicting, opposed; Antonyms of NEGATIVE: sympathetic, social, friendly, pleasant, hospitable, civil, warm, amiable
If the signs are different, you can replace them with a minus sign ( -). Adding Negative Numbers When adding negative numbers, if the signs of the two numbers you are adding are the same, add the numbers together and keep the sign the same. -6 + -2 = -8 Since + and – are...
Minus ten is a negative quantity. -10是一个负量。 4. 【电】负的,阴极的[Z] 5. 【摄】底片的[Z] 6. 【医】阴性的[Z] The tests for hepatitis were negative. 肝炎检查结果是阴性。 n.[C] 1. 否定,拒绝;否定的回答(或观点等) His answer to my request was a negative. ...
Sign/magnitudenumbers are intuitively appealing because they match our custom of writing negative numbers with a minus sign followed by the magnitude. AnN-bit sign/magnitude number uses the mostsignificant bit as the sign and the remainingN− 1 bits as the magnitude (absolute value). A sign ...
“Negative”:表示否定、不好或不利的意思。例如,“negative impact”表示负面影响,“negative attitude”表示消极态度,“negative feedback”表示负面反馈等。“Minus”:表示减去或少于的意思。例如,“Five minus three equals two”表示“5减去3等于2”,“minus 10 degrees Celsius”表示“零下10摄氏...
Contrary to the traditional assumption of interest rates on government debt exceeding economic growth, negative interest-growth differentials have become prevalent since the global financial crisis. As these differentials are a key determinant of public debt dynamics, can we sleep more soundly, despite ...
Is negative 10 a whole number?Negative Numbers:Negative numbers are found to the left of the zero on the number line. They are represented with a negative sign in front of an integer. Here are some examples: -9, -50, -101 and -99087. ...
Minus-ten-is-a-negative-quantity网络是一个负量 网络释义 1. 是一个负量 negativ... ... Their criticism was not negative. 他们的批评并不是负面的。 Minus ten is a negative quantity. -10是一个负量。 ...|基于19个网页©...
Negative points are rebates that mortgage lenders offer to borrowers or brokers. These are offered as incentives for the borrower as points lower their upfront costs.
格式: png,ai,svg 文件体积 : 8k png版本 8k png版本 ai版本 svg版本 收藏 评论 详情页 投诉 分享 作者: ONN Digital 可商用,署名 CC署名2.5 爱给网提供海量的图标库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为png,ai,svg 格式的减, 否定的, 无效的, 减法图标(Minus, negative, null, subtract icon), 本...