Lazer does not currently handle frames with a negative frame time (delta_t) the same as stable. Right now, any frames with a negative frame time are dropped. This matches stable. However, stable also skips all future frames of the replay until the sum total of their frame times is greate...
b)Proton group:Dosage 66 GyE/33 fractions/7 weeks (single dose 2 GyE), once daily radiation therapy, from Monday to Friday, a total of 5 times per week, with fixed-angle irradiation using 2 fields. All other parameters are the same as the X-ray group. Systemic treatment (chemotherapy ...
The data consist of a multivariate outcome \(Y\in {{\mathbb{R}}}^{N\times J}\) and spatial coordinates \(X\in {{\mathbb{R}}}^{N\times D}\). Let i = 1, …, N index the observations (for example, cells, spots or locations with a single (x, y) coordinate value...
Volumepvc-dc8e8f17-dce7-4ad4-a806-5e959242a068hasremountRequestedAt: "2024-01-15T13:20:44Z"and the pod hasdeletionTimestamp: "2024-01-15T13:20:52Z"and stuck terminating. However, based on the event logs in support-bundle the pod was deleted 2 times before, and not after the reque...
Time Difference between two FILETIMEs Timer calling a non-static function? To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details. I am creating a C program using C++ ,it gives me error of scanf.Use scan_f instead.Y is it so. Toggle button in mfc Turn off ...
Scale bar = 5 μm. The experiments were repeated three times independently. f Visualization images of important targets of MIT and GA to regulate pyroptosis signature genes using Integrated Gradient prediction. The warm-toned colors represented the targets of GA, while the cool-toned colors ...
The 尾-adrenergic agonist isoprenaline (ISO) also activated , although the maximal efficiency was 鈮 5 times lower than with L-85. However, ISO and L-85 exerted a similar maximal increase of the L-type Cacurrent. The use of a CNGA2 mutant with a higher sensitivity for cAMP indicated ...
If we add the numbers inside the parenthesis first, then this is 5 times 0 which is 0, since 3 + -3 = 0. 5× (3 + -3) = 0 But what if we distribute 5 through both terms first? 5× 3 + 5 × -3 = ? Since distributing the 5 across the addition does not change the value...
$$percentage\, of\, drug\, released\, in - vitro = \frac{the\, amount\, of\, 5 - FU\, drug\, released\, in\, the\, buffer}{{the\, total\, amount\, of\, 5 - FU\, drug\, initially\, added}} \times 100$$ Drug release kinetics Various kinetic methods such as Zero-order...
1.Lets look at this:2.96 = 0.08 (X - 4) = 2.Step 1:distribute:means 0.08 times X and minus 0.08 times negative 4 is 3.Step 2:Yes,you are right if you have .2.96 = 0.08X - 0.324.Step 3:Now add 0.32 to both sides .yes,what do you get?5.Step 4:Do you have this .2.96...