Synonyms for NEGATIVE: hostile, adverse, unfavorable, unpleasant, contentious, antagonistic, conflicting, opposed; Antonyms of NEGATIVE: sympathetic, social, friendly, pleasant, hospitable, civil, warm, amiable
1. an atom or atom group electrically charged by the loss or gain of electrons, represented by a plus or a minus sign, as a cation (Na + , Ca + + ) or anion (Cl−). 2. one of the electrically charged particles formed in a gas by electric discharge. [< Greek ión going,...
"minus (or negative) factors" 展开全部 词根词缀 词根: neg =deny,表示"否认,不用;没有" adj. negative 否定的,消极的,阴性的 negate否认+ive……的→negative否定的 negligible 可忽略不计的,微不足道的 neg否认,不用;没有+lig选择+ible能……的→能不用选择的→可以忽视的 n. abnegation 拒绝;克己...
If the signs are different, you can replace them with a minus sign ( -). Adding Negative Numbers When adding negative numbers, if the signs of the two numbers you are adding are the same, add the numbers together and keep the sign the same. -6 + -2 = -8 Since + and – are...
Console.WriteLine("10.0 minus NegativeInfinity equals {0}.", (10.0 - Single.NegativeInfinity).ToString()); Комментарии Значениеэтойконстантыявляетсярезультатомделенияотрицательногочислананоль...
Sign/magnitudenumbers are intuitively appealing because they match our custom of writing negative numbers with a minus sign followed by the magnitude. AnN-bit sign/magnitude number uses the mostsignificant bit as the sign and the remainingN− 1 bits as the magnitude (absolute value). A sign ...
Minus ten is a negative quantity. -10是一个负量。 4. 【电】负的,阴极的[Z] 5. 【摄】底片的[Z] 6. 【医】阴性的[Z] The tests for hepatitis were negative. 肝炎检查结果是阴性。 n.[C] 1. 否定,拒绝;否定的回答(或观点等) His answer to my request was a negative. ...
a.damaging,disconfirming,electronegative,minus 反义词 参考例句 1. She didnegativeyour conduct. 她确实不赞成你的所作所为。 2. How would this solution differ if the lower charge werenegative? 倘若下面的电荷是负的,那么结果有什么不同? 3. The metaphors of darkness are overwhelminglynegative: danger,...
minus 双语例句 例: Difficult texts record a positive score and simple ones score negative numbers. 难度大的文本标为正值,简单的文本标为负值。 NOUN. 名词 negatives 1.[C 可数名词]否定词 , 表示否定的动作或姿态 A negative is a word, expression, or gesture that means 'no' or 'not'. ...
6 number/quantity 数/量HMN less than zero 负的,小于零的 SYN minus OPP positive negative numbers 负数 a negative return on our investment (=a loss) 我们投资的负收益 7. blood 血 technicalMHHBH used in the names of blood types, meaning not having the Rhesus factor 〔血液中〕不含猕因子...