Keanggotaan Indonesia di ASEAN juga memungkinkan negara untuk membangun perjanjian perdagangan bebas dengan Australia dan Selandia Baru. Perjanjian, yang mulai berlaku pada Januari 2010, berfokus pada pengurangan tarif impor menjadi nol dalam periode tertentu, memfasilitasi perdagangan jasa dan menye...
ASEAN,Association of Southeast Asian Nations- anassociationofnationsdedicatedtoeconomicandpoliticalcooperationinsoutheasternAsiaandwhojoinedwiththeUnitedStatestofightagainstglobalterrorism Borneo,Kalimantan-3rdlargestislandintheworld;inthewesternPacifictothenorthofJava;largelycoveredbydensejungleandrainforest;partoftheMala...
Indonesia-Malaysia Cross-Border QR Payment Further Strengthens Regional Payment Connectivity in ASEAN Dzof Azmi May 9, 2023 Aims to promote faster, cheaper, more transparent, and more inclusive cross-border payments, particularly benefiting micro, small, and medium enterprises. Expected to strengthen ec...
Malaysia, sebagai anggota ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), terlibat dalam berbagai forum multilateral yang mencakup negara-negara di Asia-Pasifik, termasuk Oseania. Forum-forum seperti East Asia Summit (EAS) dan ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) memberikan platform untuk berdiskusi dan bekerja...
Transboundary Haze Pollution that caused by forest fires has become a not only a nationalproblem, but also regional. The impacts of the haze has threatened the stability of security,economy and the lives of individuals mosts of ASEAN countries. However, the basis for theaction requested a State...
The central bank, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), has published an exposure draft setting out the minimum requirements that licensed insurers and takaful operators (ITOs) and registered adjusters must comply with in relation to claims settlement pra...
As the best country in ASEAN by education sector, many factors in the success of Singapore's education system. There are fully equipped of facility, cost factor, and teacher factor.Bina Izzatu DiniHilyah MardhiyahIntan AmaliaZahrotutsani Mujahidah...
As neighbouring countries Cambodia and Thailand also have a border dispute regarding the land around the Preah Vihear Temple. The Indonesian government, mainly in the person of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marti Natalegawa, mediated the conflict when Indonesia took over ASEAN's rotating chair ...
Bank Negara collaborates with Asean 5, BIS hub to set up Project Nexus 1 1/16/2023 Partner AmBank Group Malaysia Subscribe to see more Subscribe to see more 10 7/21/2021 Vendor Green Packet Malaysia Subscribe to see more Subscribe to see more ...
中国领先的跨境金融产业互联网优维金融空间,udfspace,Cross-border financial industry internet,链接一带一路,RCEP区域持牌机构的专业服务,投融资,支付结算,涉外法律,保险,培训,财税,投资促进,国际贷款,离岸账户,hub,QFII,QDII,invest,loans,payment,insurance,fintech,dig