Kumar VS, Navaratnam V (2013) Neem (Azadirachta indica): prehistory to contemporary medicinal uses to humankind. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed 3:505–514 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle Scholar Kumar A, Sharma SD (2003) Nutritive evaluation of some fodder tree leaves for ruminants in Tarai region of ...
The neem oil concentrate is an all-natural pesticide made from the oil of the neem seed found on theAzadirachta indicatree. The oil itself is a yellowish/brown color, tastes bitter, and smells a bit like garlic and/or sulfur. This natural substance has been used for centuries to treat dis...
The Neem tree, is primarily cultivated in the southern regions of Asia and Africa, where it has been seen used through many ages, in medical folklore. We should note that various parts of the Neem tree, including the leaves, bark, fruit, flowers, oil, and gum are associated with the afo...
In Indian mythology, neem has a divine origin. When the elixir of immortality was being carried to heaven by divine beings, drops fell on the neem tree, which led to its miraculous healing properties. Found throughout the Indian subcontinent, Ayurvedic medicine practitioners have used the bark, ...