The present invention provides an herbal composition comprising of neem seed, rock salt, alum, camphor and nutmeg for dental care and oral hygiene. The herbal formulation may be developed in the form of powder, paste or a mouth wash. The herbal formulation is effective for whitening of teeth,...
The neem tree (Azadirachta indica) is commonly used in India and Africa for everything from infections and fevers to teeth brushing. Indian Ayurveda and traditional medicine widely use plants like neem (aka Indian lilac), turmeric, and others in their arsenal. More recently, there have been hun...
How Effective Is Neem for Lice? What Are the Benefits of Neem for Skin? What is Neem Pesticide? How do I Choose the Best Head Lice Treatment? What Are the Different Types of Scabies Remedies? Discussion Comments WiseGeek, in your inbox ...
Daily, millions of people brush their teeth with neem twigs. Dentists confirm that this practice guards against periodontal disease. A crude antiseptic soap is made from the pulp of the olive-like fruit. A paste made from the leaves has been found to successfully treat skin lesions. Small ...
Neem (also known as nimm in Punjabi) is most useful herb on this planet. I am from Punjab and we still have so many nimm trees in our farms. And I used to eat neem / nimm fruit also know as namolian every day during their season and I used to clean my teeth with the neem / ...
Well, they just didn’t work so well for me. How they work:Before the mold took over, I experimented with brushing my teeth with the sticks. The simple explanation is that you put one stick in your mouth and nibble off the bark with your teeth. Then, you chew on the inside fibers ...
You can also use it to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth. For Hair HealthNeem is the best-known remedy for combating dandruff. It contains anti-fungal properties, which efficiently cure dandruff and eliminate itchiness and inflammation in the scalp. Additionally, Neem has several benefits...
Studies into the medicinal uses of neem indicate that the herb is efficient for remedying dental plaque. Applying the plant’s extracts directly onto the teeth and the gums help in preventing the formation of plaque. Due to its antibacterial characteristics, neem also minimizes the number of bact...
I have used Tea Tree Oil toothpaste with neem for several years with no side effects and good results, however the very first time I used the lotion I broke out in a rash resembling tinea versicolor within 24 hours. Perhaps it was a bad batch, but my boyfriend put the lotion on his ...
loss of appetite and kill worms. Due to its antiseptic and astringent properties, it can be used for healing wounds. It can also be used to traditionally clean the teeth by snapping off a twig of the tree and chewing it. The bark is also used for preventing bleeding gums and tooth decay...