3. 配置CI/CD,把机器(gitlab-runner)注册到GitLab中 可以在项目配置CI/CD机器,也可以在个人所有项目下配置,也可以由管理员配置所有项目下CI/CD机器。原理和流程都是一样的,只是比Jenkins更加细粒度控制而已。 进入gitlab-runner的Docker,执行初始化命令 gitlab-ci-multi-runner register,完整命令如下: 1 sudo d...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于gitlab ci needs 介绍的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及gitlab ci needs 介绍问答内容。更多gitlab ci needs 介绍相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
通过 gitlab 上的 issueJob incorrectly runs after failure of needed job with rules: when: always ...
image使用docker映像。也可用:image:name和image:entrypoint。 services使用docker服务映像。也可用:services...
Here's basically what my.gitlab-ci.ymlfile looks like: before_script:-cat/etc/hosts# for debugging-...# install app dependenciesspecs:script:-rspec# <- a test in here fails without the /etc/hosts entry All my tests pass, except for the one that requires that/etc/hostsentry. ...
upstream-job: needs: - someOtherJob trigger: include: - local: "/downstream-jobs.gitlab-ci.yml" strategy: depend variables: PARENT_PIPELINE_ID: $CI_PIPELINE_ID only: - master downstream-job: needs: - pipeline: $PARENT_PIPELINE_ID job: upstream-job artifacts: true scrip...
To need a job that sometimes does not exist in the pipeline, add optional: true to the needs configuration. If not defined, optional: false is the default. https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/#needsoptional Exemple: deploy-job: stage: deploy needs: - job: test-job...
Unlike other solutions for CI/CD, GitLab does not require you to choose between staged or stageless execution flow. You can implement a hybrid combination of staged and stageless in a single pipeline, using only theneedskeyword to enable the feature for any job. ...
Unlike other solutions for CI/CD, GitLab does not require you to choose between staged or stageless execution flow. You can implement a hybrid combination of staged and stageless in a single pipeline, using only theneedskeyword to enable the feature for any job. ...
needs: already expands variables if it is a crossproject/crosspipeline reference (according to https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/#needs) Is it possible to get this variable...