It’s important to note that the overall risk of disease transmission from a needlestick injury is low.However, a needlestick injury can still be a traumatic and stressful experience, and affected individuals may feel anxious about the possibility of contracting a chronic infection (King & Strony...
Needlestick injuryOccupational infectionHIVHepatitisPosttraumatic stress disorderNeedlestick injuries (NSI) pose a significant health hazard among healthcare personnel (HCP). The aim of our prospective observational study was to evaluate the psychological impact of NSI and assess measures to prevent NSI. ...
NSI is defined as ‘any needlestick injury, cut, abrasion, instrument puncture, or exposure to blood or other body fluids, such as splashes into the eyes, nose, mouth, or broken skin’ [1]. From: Journal of Hospital Infection, 2022 ...
Medical Related to needlestick:Needlestick injuries needlestick (ˈniːdəlˌstɪk) adj (Medicine) (of an injury) caused by accidentally pricking the skin with a hypodermic needle Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, ...
needlestick injuryfrom using hollow-bore needles containing blood ■ intravenous orintramuscular injectionof contaminated blood ■ blood from a patient with a high virus level (e.g. untreated or terminal AIDS patients). Decision 1: What is the level of risk of HIV transmission?
Needlestick injury:A penetrating stab wound from a needle (or other sharp object) that may result in exposure to blood or other body fluids. The main concern is exposure to the blood or other body fluids of another person who may be carrying infectious disease. The pathogens of primary conce...
美 英 英英 n. 1. therealorpotentialharmresultingfromaprickwithaneedlepreviouslyusedtotakebloodorgiveaninjection. 例句 释义: 全部
4) wounds and injuries/ prevention & control 创伤和损伤/预防和控制 5) Process of infusion 防针刺伤 6) reperfusion injury/prevention & control 再灌注损伤/预防和控制 补充资料:针刺 1.中国传统医术的一种。以针刺入人体一定的穴位来达到治病的目的。 2.喻尖锐抨击。
Medical Definition needlestick noun nee·dle·stick ˈnēd-ᵊl-ˌstik : an accidental puncture of the skin with an unsterilized instrument (as a syringe) called also needlestick injury Love words? Need even more definitions? Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get ...
To determine the prevalence of cases and episodes of needlestick injury among three groups of health care workers in the past one-year, the level of knowledge on blood-borne diseases and universal precautions and the practice of universal precautions. Other factors associated with the occurrence of...