护理英语 针刺伤害|Needlestick Injuries 215401:31 Amniocentesis 羊膜穿刺(产科ob英语)中英字幕 181101:59 产检医学英语(自录,有瑕疵,还望见谅) 185003:39 3麻醉是如何起作用的 188201:59 医学英语‖2麻醉是如何起作用的 203601:59 1 麻醉是如何起作用的--Anaesthesia(字幕后加,手码) 230201:59 2医学英语词根...
Needlestick injuries are an occupational hazard for healthcare workers as they can lead to the transmission of bloodborne infections such ashuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV),hepatitis Bandhepatitis C, with the potential for serious complications (King & Strony 2023). Other infections that can potenti...
www.nics.org.tw|基于 1 个网页 3. 针抸事件 ^_^ --- --- 26 罕见事件(extremely rare events) • 医疗健康照护事业的 罕见事件: –针抸事件(needlestick injuries)。– MR… www.docin.com|基于 1 个网页 例句
7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 声音主播 自我提升那些事儿 167145656 简介:一个医务工作者的英语进阶之路,由我陪你。 我知道你在努力,我知道你在进步,我知道你可以做到。 TA的专辑 更多 德语29 儿童故事31 一起开口说英语口语62 自己阅读的一些医学英语5568 直播回放385...
Needlestick injuries should be preventable if staff are trained effectively and take care about disposal of used syringes and needles. Staff at risk must be offered pre-exposure vaccination for hepatitis B and resources must be provided for special training. Fundamental changes may be required in ...
Needlestick injuries can often result in long-term debility if not properly managed. Injuries can result in transmission of blood-borne pathogens, such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and human immunodeficiency virus. Preventative measures, such as vaccination, proper sharps selection, handling, and ...
4) wounds and injuries/ prevention & control 创伤和损伤/预防和控制 5) Process of infusion 防针刺伤 6) reperfusion injury/prevention & control 再灌注损伤/预防和控制 补充资料:针刺 1.中国传统医术的一种。以针刺入人体一定的穴位来达到治病的目的。 2.喻尖锐抨击。
around 80 reported needlestick injuries to local government workers every year. However, only 51% of local authorities had trained street sweepers and provided them with kits to protect them from discarded needles, and only 64% of local authorities had an official procedure to recover discarded nee...
Needlestick injuries due to the use of non-safety devices are still a significant risk factor for health care professionals worldwide, putting them in danger of bloodborn diseases such as hepatitis and HIV. At this moment in time, there are already more than 20 bloodborne pathogens that we...