Needful Thingsis another story that deviates from the normal horror movie narrative. While it incorporates elements of violence and centers around the Devil and supernatural occurrences, it is not the scariest of King's tales. The book was published in 1991, and quickly grew popular, resulting in...
“Needful Things” is yet another one of those films based on aStephen Kingstory that inspires you to wonder why his stories don’t make better films. For every one that does (“Carrie,”“The Dead Zone,”“Misery“), there are three that don’t. In this case, the problem is that ...
The story starts out in first person with the narrator greeting the reader and moves to third-person, introducing each of the book's diverse cast of characters and their complicated histories. Castle Rock's citizens then begin to come into Needful Things, each of them drawn by an item they...