STUFF YOU JUST NEED TO KNOWThe article presents questions and answers about topics including the evolutionary purpose of tickling, the number of possible chess games, and the safety of walking barefoot in New York City.Popular Science
“I feel like to really make a change or effect something [queer life] needs to be visible on a large scale because we know that this … Continue reading → Leave a comment Roe v. Wade turns 40 amid waning abortion access After years of litigation in the Roe v. Wade case, the U...
I Used to Know That: Stuff You Forgot from School If you've forgotten the capital city of Chile; the basics of osmosis; how to solve a quadratic equation; the names of the Bennet sisters in "Pride and Prejudice"; who wrote the famous poem about daffodils; the use of a conjunction or...
What do you need to know about Nutrisystem? You might want to read this and learn how the diet program can help you to lose weight fast, easily and effectively
Simply type in “ICE CONTACT” along with your contact’s name, phone number, your allergy or medical information – anything you would need an emergency room to know about you. Then Check the Box and Choose Okay. Now your ICE information will appear right on your Lock Screen, no ...
2024 stole our mojo. Can we rediscover horniness? My best sex ever was with a customer at Christmas How to come (at) home for Christmas ‘Tis the season for Christmas sex positions 20 sexy Christmas gifts they actually want The most Googled sex questions of 2024 are here ...
Sexual behavior by cats is a pretty gnarly business. A male waits for his moment and then darts after the female, pouncing on her from behind, biting her in the neck and pinning her to the ground, while he intromits his barbed penis. As he withdraws, the
I’d love to say you could get one from Solid Signal. TutorialsAugust 2, 2024 Should you reuse old coaxial cable? It sounds like a good idea but… TutorialsJuly 30, 2024 Why would you want a big ugly antenna like this one? Yes, this is a big chunk of metal. Sometimes that’s jus...
Once you pick me up, you won't want to put me down...I'm an encyclopedia, but not as you know it. Big books with facts are boring - I'm not. I'm more like a computer game than a book, crammed with funky pages and cartoons. Forget A-Z, just follow my lead and you'll be...