For example, you may have incurred credit card debts, and are finding it hard to pay them off quickly enough to avoid heavy interest rate penalties. In this case, you may be able to get a new personal loan at a lower rate of interest. You could use that money to pay off the credit...
For all businesses, we require some standard information about your business. We also require more specific information about each business owner, guarantor and controlling manager of the business before applying and qualifying for a business loan at Ban
Lease guarantor: If you have low or no credit and you’ve never rented an apartment before, you might need aguarantor, also known as a lease cosigner. Keep in mind that your new landlord will ask for a lot of information about your cosigner’s finances, and your cosigner will be...
When considering loan options, look at the EIR and not just the flat rate. At OCBC, we always state the applicable EIR upfront. 2. Collateral and guarantors An unsecured loan is one that is not secured by collateral. Collateral are assets such as property or even a fixed...
These mortgage products are provided alongside government schemes, which can be helpful for those without access to a guarantor. Self-build mortgage - exactly as it sounds, this type of mortgage is for people who want to build their own home, rather than buy a pre-built one. Islamic ...
Apart from that, you’ll have to show income proofs with bank statements; salary slips to confirm the DTI ratio. You may also need to provide collateral or get cosigners or guarantors to secure your loan. Cash Loans & Advances Such loans are comparatively easy to obtain compared to other ...
A guarantor mortgage allows a willing additional person, often a close family member to act as additional security for the loan. Typically they use their own property (if they hold enough equity) or their savings to do so. If you fail to meet the repayments, the guarantor agrees to cover...
they agree to guarantee or make your loan repayments if you are unable to make them in the future. You and your prospective guarantor will need to think about this carefully. Going guarantor places a lot of responsibility on them, as they are usually required to offer some sort of financial...
The old adage “what goes up, must come down” aptly describes a dynamic economy that has historically followed a cycle of growth and decline. The down period in that cycle constitutes a recession, which affects investment returns across various asset cl
Personal Loans. No assets or guarantor is needed. Maximum amount — $35000 for 7 years. Pawn shops and title loans. This method of getting fast cash also has its own rules and limits, so look for details first. A cash advance for the credit card. It will cost you a little bit more...