Give some features of generics in C#. What are delegates and their types in C#? Compare ‘string’ and ‘StringBuilder’ in C#. In C#, what’s the differentiating factor between an abstract class and an interface? Ace Your Next Technical Interview With Interview Kickstart You can get better...
There’s an awfullotofsoundandfuryright now about adding syntax support for properties to Java 7. The more I think about this the more I think the whole idea is wrong for several reasons: 1. It doesn’t let you doanythingyou can’t do now. It’s a minor improvement at best. 2. I...
aEvery compiler warning belongs to a category. The Java Language Specification lists two categories: deprecation and unchecked. The unchecked warning can occur when interfacing with legacy code written before the advent of generics. To suppress multiple categories of warnings, use the following syntax:...
Casting to nullable generics Casting using (decimal) or Convert.ToDecimal ? What to use? Catch an exception from one thread and throw to main thread? Catch click to red X button on the top right form catch exception of unmanaged 3rd party dll Catching events from a specific input device i...
Actually in netbeans with java 1.6. any of the above does not compile and gives error as Compiling 1 source file to /home/sharmila/First/build/classes /home/sharmila/First/src/generics/ incompatible types found : java.util.List<capture#17 of ? super java.lang.Integer> ...
need help writing this program in java. directions: Your task is to develop an Athlete class that has the person’s name, sport, and ranking, where the name and sport are Strings and the ranking is anything that is comparable (do NOT hardcode...
The whole idea of generics is to maintain type-safety by restricting the different types permitted in a particular context. I presume you have been through the Java Tutorials, here and here, where you find "methods and constructors". And also do a Google search for "Angelika Langer Java Ge...
Generics Java virtual machine and memory management Multithreading and sync Dependency injection And if you’d like to skyrocket your career and quickly grow from Junior to Senior Java developer, you will definitely need the advanced skills described below: ...
Question 7 Change the Car class to use an ArrayList instead of using an array. Use generics for the arraylist. Make sure all your tests still work, including the tests for exceptions. Not the question you’re looking for? Post any question...
Generics in & out // Out types are type parameters that only ever occur in return values of functions or on val properties // In types can be used anytime the generic is only used as an argument to functions /* More specifically -> IN TYPES CAN ONLY BE PASSED INTO AN OBJECT (Can ...