In “The Need for Speed,” viewers will witness the Globetrotters embarking on a unique journey as they explore the intersection of sports and culture. First up, the team travels to Miami, where they immerse themselves in the historic tradition of Cuban ballet. Watch as the Globetrotters twist...
Need for Speed Tokyo Drift: Hotwheels Edition (A Drifting Control Case Study)Providing safety guarantees for automotive system controllers operating is an important and difficult problem across a wide range of industries. However, most approaches to automotive controllers don't have formal verification,...
tap the e-brake, or “kick” the clutch, to get the car rotating. As soon as the car starts to turn, get back into the throttle hard to get the rear wheels spinning. As you get further into the drift, hit the NOS for a burst...
The extensive JR Yamanote and subway lines network connects all major areas of interest. These trains are punctual, reliable, and the most efficient way to traverse the city. For an authentic Tokyo experience, hop on a bus and watch the city scenes unfold through the window. And don’t worr...
“I’m headed out your way for some business. I planned on getting there four hours before my appointment, but I got stuck with a delay and won’t be leaving London for a while.” “Oh, no.” I hear the grin in his voice. He didn’t know I was heading to Tokyo. Miss Belle ...