In dem Fall solltest du vielleicht versuchen, das Spiel zurückzugeben. Und in dem Fall kann dir dann auch nur Amazon weiterhelfen. ich verschiebe den Beitrag einmal in den Need for Speed Bereich, da das Thema nichts mit EA Play zu tun hat. PunkteStibitzer hat hier recht, ...
{"__typename":"Category","id":"category:need-for-speed-en","entityType":"CATEGORY","displayId":"need-for-speed-en","nodeType":"category","depth":2,"title":"NEED FOR SPEED™","shortTitle":"NEED FOR SPEED™","parent":{"__ref":"Category:category:ea-forums-en"},"category...
Ahh... the father of one of the most successful video game series of all time (financially, of course) and apparently a close relative of the Test Drive series. Just like the Test Drive series, The Need for Speed should be able to entertain some speed-demon wannabes and veteran drivers...
Thread.JobThreadPriority 0 GstRender.Thread.MaxProcessorCount 8 антивирусывырубаю, настройкиграфикинепомогают токэтоделал No RepliesBe the first to reply About NEED FOR SPEED™ Обсуждениефран...
We both having issues seeing each other online yet we both are online but shows offline and our invites to party doesn't pop up in party mode Please advise us on what to do on the PC as we both have Steam and EA app as this is very frustrating for us ...
Could you remaster Need For Speed Undercover EA_Illium Community Manager 11 months ago Hey@DaintyAlpaca536 Thanks for taking a moment to share feedback with the team! Currently we don't have information if the team will be looking to remaster any of the older NFS Titles. ...
ERROR 500 WE’RE SORRY, BUT SOMETHING WENT WRONG. * No es problema de mi navegador * No es problema de mis DNS * No es problema de mi proveedor de internet * Ya hay registros de que paso lo mismo en 2014/2015 [
Need for speed heat McLaren F1 Propriedade perdida mclaren f1 não está mais disponível para jogar. Como assim ? Um dos meus carros favoritos do jogo fiz a aquisição da expansão e não posso mais jogar com o carro ? O que aconteceu ?
Re: need for speed heat exclamation mark Hi, so took me quite some time to figure this out. Not very intuitive. Basically If there is a yellow exclamation mark (!), it means there are multiple races to pick from, these can be changes when standing on the start point. Unfortunatelly ...
Cloth physics is also improved. But Why kit font is not improved? Outline is vanished. and number placement is unbalanced. FC24 is also same with FIFA. Yes, It's not critical issue. But I feel empty when I see player's back.