Need for Speed: Heatis apparently avoiding one of its predecessor's mistakes and, thankfully, will be free of loot boxes, the scourge of progression systems. Like Star Wars: Battlefront 2, Need for Speed: Payback put its loot box system front and centre, essentially making you use it to ...
《极品飞车:热度(Need for Speed Heat)》最新作已经于昨晚正式公布,其首段预告片也已上线。该作由Ghost Games开发。很多玩家关心游戏里是否会有像前作“速度卡片”一样的内购系统,官方表示它们已经被移除了! 在Reddit论坛上,一名官方开发者向玩家表示:《极品飞车:热度》里没有开箱机制,而且以后 13633 极速快感ol...