Shift into high gear with the keys to the Need for Speed Heat Map. Every collectible, location, and activity in every district will be revealed instantly, so no need to slow down to explore. From safehouses to street art – find exactly what you want, faster! REQUIRES NFS HEAT ON XBOX...
Shift into high gear with the keys to the Need for Speed Heat Map. Every collectible, location, and activity in every district will be revealed instantly, so no need to slow down to explore. From safehouses to street art – find exactly what you want, faster!
共1条回答1人看过 晏峤峤 首先玩家进入游戏主界面,点击设置。 然后玩家进入设置界面,选择控制中的按键绑定。 最后玩家进入按键绑定界面,选择想要切换的按键后按enter键就能设置了。 4天前发布 有用 没有更多啦~ 极品飞车:热度 Need For Speed™:Heat热搜排行榜NO.20+ 相关视频 10 进入专区 相关问答 更多 ...
'Purchase the Deluxe Edition and get noticed in Need for Speed™ Heat with the K.S Edition starter car, exclusive PlayStation®4 wrap, 3 additional K.S Edition cars unlocked through progression, 4 exclusive character outfits and a REP and BANK boost. ...
Need for Speed Heat is an adrenaline-fueled, vibrant racing game for desktop or laptop PC where the lines of the law fade as the sun starts to set. See the full list in-game of dream cars you’ll be customizing, hyper-tuning, and pushing past the limits. PlayIn Need for Speed Heat...
We’re all for the spirit of competition and we know there’s a certain amount of banter that comes with that. But if someone crosses the line and gets personal, things can quickly stop being fun for everyone else. That’s where you might want us to step in. ...
Design your dream cars in the NFS Heat Studio app for iOS and Android. The NFS Studio app is an exciting leap forward in helping you customize your game experience using your phone. The app has four main sections that allow you to view and customize your Need for Speed™ Heat cars. ...
Hustle by day and risk it all at night in Need for Speed™ Heat, a thrilling race experience that pits you against a city’s rogue police force as you battle your way into street racing’s elite. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS APPLY. SEE WWW.EA.COM/LEGAL FOR DETAILS. VEHICLES MAY HAVE ...