Buy Need for Speed Unbound on PlayStation Store. Start at the bottom, race to the top in the latest entry in the iconic Need for Speed franchise.
AllNeed for Speedgames follow different storylines like police chases, track racing, as well as action sequences on wheels. The premise of this NFS game isillegal street racingin a place where the sun never shines. You’ll find yourself trapped in Ventura Bay, which looks an awful lot like...
EA, the EA logo, Need for Speed, the “N” icon and the Need for Speed logo are trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. The names, designs, and logos of all products are the property of their respective owners and used by permission. All other trademarks are the property of their respective...
针对PC 进行了优化。解锁帧数限制,《Need for Speed》 4K 清晰度极致体验,PC 专享。并且,您还可以使用包括 Logitech、Thrustmaster 和 Fanatec 等不同厂商生产的方向盘和外部设备,体验街头飙车的快感。 海量原汁原味的改装。游戏提供了丰富的外观和性能改装选项,供您打造一辆彰显个性的赛车。正因为您的赛车不仅要有优...
Heattakes place in the fictional Palm City, where players can take part in sanctioned race events during the day and illegal street racing during the night. Like mostNeed for Speedtitles, players can also be chased by cops whilst free roaming and during illegal street races. The game's story...
极品飞车19(Nee..GameSpot的评分: 优点: 1.令人炫目的城市 2.游戏进程合理,值得一玩 3.真正的自定义赛车 4.令人紧张的速度感 缺点: 1.傻傻的AI 2.过于严苛的飘逸评分体系 3.
Need for Speed™ Rivals Ferrari Edizioni Speciali Complete Pack $5.99 Description 2017 marks the 5th year of Ghost Games as the makers of the award winning franchise Need for Speed™ . This anniversary is celebrated with the release of the Need for Speed™ Ultimate Bundle. Featuring all th...
It’s just a shame there’s not a better racing game to pad all the bro-fisting. I really hoped that a year off would do Need for Speed some good, and in some aspects it certainly has. Mainly, the PC-centric aspects. 1) The frame rate is unlocked. Fist bump. For whatever reaso...
AllRate this Game! 1::1 2::2 3::3 4::4 5::5 Need for Speed WorldNeed For Speed World (NFS:W) is an MMO racing game, and part of the popular Need For Speed series. Real-life car models, power-ups, and a thrilling atmosphere with exciting game modes make NSF:W a truly rich...
cross-platform multiplayer – including the asynchronous competition powered by Autolog – plus all additional main DLC , this is the ultimate edition of Criterion Games’ critically acclaimed Need for Speed debut. It’s time to reignite the pursuit. CROSS-PLATFORM MULTIPLAYER AND AUTOLOG – Bolt do...