The Ai-ONE's White Hot insert provides a soft yet responsive impact that former users of White Hot putters will love. Aesthetically, the CH 7 model introduces a Panlite window for a view of the insert's construction, which is a unique added detail, while the navy blue PVD Finish adds a...
One useful metric is to work out what your “square foot” cost is for your workspace; this involves some handwaving but say you decide it costs a dollar a sq ft a year in maintenance, lost use, etc. Now you can determine how much it is costing to store the item(s...
we’re not sorry). Remember, everything that comes from us is custom which means we are not pulling it off of a shelf and giving it a quick dust. That being said, if you have a guest coming into town whom you need to impress
When I am near too many people or a certain type of person too long, it feels like someone is scraping my nerves. When I say I am on my last nerve, it’s time for me to leave. Our world has a problem with introverts and doesn’t understand them. If I confess to being an ...