Pre-implementation, the mean NEDOCS score was 186.2, which decreased to 131.2 post-implementation (p<0.0001).Conclusions: Our study suggests that implementing an ED adult surge plan can significantly improve ED hold hours and NEDOCS scores. However, it is important to note that other important ...
forhisturnup○わかってるようでわかってないit~todo構文-(1)a::Itisstrange()()tobuythatkindofmagazine.(2)a::Itwaskind()(1)Wethought():tooB:ratherC:prettyD:itE:quiteF:that G:what(2)Heisagenius;hedoesnotknowwhat()isliketogetapoorscoreinanexam.「彼は天才で、テストで悪い点を取る...
117 Can NEDOCS score be used to predict ambulance offload delay? Ann Emerg Med 2011;58(Suppl. 4):S217. 2011.06.144Can NEDOCS Score Be Used to Predict Ambulance Offload Delay?[J] . D.R. Cooney,S. Wojcik,N. Seth.Annals of Emergency ...
There is no ubiquitous definition of Emergency Department (ED) crowding and several indicators have been proposed to measure it. The National ED Overcrowding Study (NEDOCS) score is among the most popular, even though it has been severely criticised. We used the waiting time for the physician'...
Validation of the National Emergency Department Overcrowding Score (NEDOCS) in a UK non-specialist emergency departmentcrowdingefficiencyemergency departmentmanagementrisk managementIntroduction Emergency department (ED) crowding has significant adverse consequences, however, there is no widely accepted tool to ...
Validation of the National Emergency Department Overcrowding Score (NEDOCS) in a UK non-specialist emergency departmentIntroduction Emergency department (ED) crowding has significant adverse consequences, however, there is no widely accepted tool to measure it. This study validated the National Emergency ...
Validation of the National Emergency Department Overcrowding Score (NEDOCS) in a UK non-specialist emergency departmentDuncan HargreavesSophie SnelColin DewarKhushal ArjanPiervirgilio ParrellaLuke Eliot Hodgson
Validation of the National Emergency Department Overcrowding Score (NEDOCS) in a UK non-specialist emergency departmentDuncan HargreavesSophie SnelColin DewarKhushal ArjanPiervirgilio ParrellaLuke Eliot Hodgson
Validation of the National Emergency Department Overcrowding Score (NEDOCS) in a UK non-specialist emergency departmentDuncan HargreavesSophie SnelColin DewarKhushal ArjanPiervirgilio ParrellaLuke Eliot Hodgson
Validation of the National Emergency Department Overcrowding Score (NEDOCS) in a UK non-specialist emergency departmentDuncan HargreavesSophie SnelColin DewarKhushal ArjanPiervirgilio ParrellaLuke Eliot Hodgson