IHI Corporation and Toshiba Corporation have been selected by Japan's New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organisation (Nedo) as co-researchers in the "Research and Development of Ocean Energy Technology - Demonstration Research of Ocean Energy Power Generation" initiative. Toshiba joins Japa...
KAWASAKI, Japan & OSAKA, Japan--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Panasonic Corporation has achieved the world's highest energy conversion efficiency of 16.09% for a perovskite solar module (Aperture area 802 cm2: 30 cm long x 30 cm wide x 2 mm thick) by developing lightweight technology using a glass sub...
/PRNewswire/ -- Tenstorrent, led by CEO Jim Keller, is proud to announce that they have been selected by Japan's New Energy and Industrial Technology...
H. Matsumura, “Summary of research in NEDO Cat-CVD project in Japan”, Thin Solid Films, vol. 395 (2001) pp. 1-11. :H. Matsumura, "Summary of research in NEDO Cat-CVD project in Japan," Thin Solid Films, vol.395, nos.1-2, pp.1-11, 2001....
Japan's New Energy and Industrial Technology Development (NEDO) along with Sharp Corporation and Toyota Motor Corporation, have started public road trials of electrified vehicles in Japan. The trials aim to as-sess the effectiveness of improvements in cruising range and fuel efficiency of electrified...
The Japanese national agency New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) in collaboration with the Japan Weather Association have collected data and developed a database on solar radiation. In particular, the METPV-20 and MONSOLA-20 databases, found as a webapp, are their ...
Japan Technology Observer 日本科技观察 致敬爱的读者:如果该公号采编的文章对您工作、学习有稍许启发、参考,希望耽误您一些宝贵时间,帮忙点击下底部广告,小编可以籍此获得一些收入。 PS:希望能尽微薄之力,帮助有心前往日本大学或者研究机构进行硕博士,博士后,访问学者的朋友联系教授导师,或者选定科研课题。有兴趣的同学...
林丈晴, 多羅尾進, 浅野敬一, Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan . 2017 机译:社会实施材料“社会实施介绍课程”科技创新过程 - 阶段分析 - 覆盖分析及其可视化 5. 高速ジョセフソンメモリを実現するための回路技術の研究利用統計を見る [D] . 鈴木 秀雄 1994 机译:请参阅电路...
Kawasaki-NEDO Innovation Center is an accelerator based in Kawasaki City, Japan. The firm runs a short-term, hands-on program for entrepreneurs and R&D startups. Business Details Website www.k-nic.jp Investor Status Actively Seeking New Investments Primary Investor Type Accelerator/Incubator ...
With limited energy resources, Japan is seriously concerned about crude oil supply stability in the medium and long terms, and about the problem of global warming. The Government has set a target capacity for new energy introduction for FY 2010 at 3 per cent of its primary energy supply. But...