trigger point injections and electric stimulation units may help with moderate to severe neck pain. Neck pain associated with acute weakness or numbness of your arms or legs may require surgery. These moderate to severe causes of neck pain have a guarded prognosis and may re-...
However, this method may not completely control pain and is not used frequently. Other surgical techniques involve destroying or severing the nerve, but the use of this technique is limited by side effects, including unpleasant numbness. Alternative treatment...
Sometimes, neck pain may also be accompanied with facial pain, headache, arm numbness and shoulder pain. You usually witness these associated symptoms when you have a pinched nerve in your neck. When left untreated, the pain may even radiate to the upper or lower back. What Causes Neck Pain?
To diagnose what's causing your neck pain, your doctor may ask: When did the pain start? Have you been injured? Do you have numbness or weakness in your arms or hands? Does moving your neck in a certain way make things better or worse? Doescoughingorsneezingmake the pain worse? Your ...
July 24, 2024 With cervical radiculopathy, neurological deficits, such as numbness, altered reflexes, or weakness, may radiate anywhere from the neck into the shoulder, arm, hand, or fingers. Read More » Pain Relief Through Non-Invasive Neck and Spine Treatments ...
Electrodiagnostic studies. Electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction velocity (NCV) are sometimes used to diagnose neck and shoulder pain, arm pain, numbness and tingling. Neck and Shoulder Pain Relief You may be able to ease neck and shoulder pain with some simple home treatments. Here are ...
Compression of nerve roots in the cervical spine can cause pain and numbness in the shoulder and arm. The cervical spine begins at the base of the skull and consists of a series of 7 vertebral segments, named C1 though C7. It connects to the thoracic (chest) region of the spine at the...
You have an injury that causes neck pain and shooting pain down your arms or legs. Your neck pain suddenly becomes severe. You have neck pain along with numbness, tingling, or weakness in your arms or legs. You have a stiff neck, a headache, and a fever.When should I contact my ...
If you develop a highfever(temperature greater than 102.5 F), severe headache,chest pain, shortness of breath,dizziness,nausea, or sweatiness, or if you develop the sudden onset of numbness or weakness, particularly on one side of the body, call 911 for emergency services to go to the nea...
A 23-year-old woman presented to clinic for evaluation of neck pain, right hand and ulnar forearm numbness and tingling. She reported several years of neck pain and right upper extremity "heaviness."Matthew R.AkelmanDonald DJ ScholtenZhongyu J Li...