A flash of pain darted through her, like the ripple of sheet lightning —Edith Wharton For a second he remained in torture, as if some invisible flame were playing on him to reduce his bones and fuse him down —D.H. Lawrence A gash … as wide as an open grave —Jimmy Sangster ...
You have an injury that causes neck pain and shooting pain down your arms or legs. Your neck pain suddenly becomes severe. You have neck pain along with numbness, tingling, or weakness in your arms or legs. You have a stiff neck, a headache, and a fever....
You have an injury that causes neck pain and shooting pain down your arms or legs. Your neck pain suddenly becomes severe. You have neck pain along with numbness, tingling, or weakness in your arms or legs. You have a stiff neck, a headache, and a fever....
With treatment, your neck will usually stop hurting in a few days. Use medicines like acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen to ease pain. Put an ice pack on your neck for the first 2 to 3 days to help lower swelling. After that, use moist heat, like a hot shower or a heating pad, ...
broader region. Sometimes the pain gets referred up to the head or accompanies a headache. Other times it can be accompanied bymuscle spasms in the neck, upper back, or around the shoulder blade. Less commonly, shock-like pain or tingling may radiate down into the shoulder, arm, and/or ...
Throat pain Chest painor discomfort Difficulty breathing Confusion Numbness, tingling, or loss of sensation in your arms or legs Severe pain Persistent pain Pain that stems from an injury The treatment of neck pain depends on its precise cause. 10 Medical treatment options include ...
It is not about face and jaw pain; neck pain with prominent nerve symptoms (tingling, numbness, zapping pain) in the arm; headaches10; and fresh whiplash, or other acute neck trauma.11 Some safety information is provided below for the rare cases of neck pain that may be caused by systemi...
tingling, tenderness or shooting pain in the neck stiffness in your neck muscles difficulty swallowing dizziness or lightheadedness radiation of neck pain to shoulders radiation of neck pain into the back radiation of neck pain into arms, hands and up to head resulting in one-sided or double-si...
Neck Pain Causes “Neck pain tends to peak in middle age, and is slightly more common in women and in patients with a family history of neck pain,” says NYC-based interventional pain physician and physiatrist, Benjamin Bonte, M.D. “Smokers, patients with psychological diagnoses such as dep...
A man aged 32 was admitted to hospital with an eight-month history of weakness of both arms and legs. He had been quite well until October, 1961, when he suddenly experienced a severe tingling pain in both arms and legs as well as a dull ache in the back of the neck. This was ...