Neck pain comes in many forms. Whether acute or chronic, traumatic or degenerative, the following symptoms respond well to physical therapy treatments: General neck pain Arm pain and/or hand numbness and weakness with an apparent cervical origin Pain in the shoulder or shoulder blade (Diffuse Scap...
A 23-year-old woman presented to clinic for evaluation of neck pain, right hand and ulnar forearm numbness and tingling. She reported several years of neck pain and right upper extremity "heaviness."Matthew R.AkelmanDonald DJ ScholtenZhongyu J Li...
I present here two challenging cases. Two cases, one with pain in her upper arm of some two years duration. Surgery did not help, and eventually the nerve bundles to her shoulder became so badly irritated she got a frozen shoulder from her neck arm pain. In a case of left arm shoulder...
With cervical radiculopathy, neurological deficits, such as numbness, altered reflexes, or weakness, may radiate anywhere from the neck into the shoulder, arm, hand, or fingers. Read More » Pain Relief Through Non-Invasive Neck and Spine Treatments ...
Compression of nerve roots in the cervical spine can cause pain and numbness in the shoulder and arm. The cervical spine begins at the base of the skull and consists of a series of 7 vertebral segments, named C1 though C7. It connects to the thoracic (chest) region of the spine at the...
Neck pain stems from poor posture, whiplash, bad ergonomics and falls and blows to the head. It can result in reduced and painful range of motion, inability to lift your head off the pillow, shooting pains in your shoulder, neck and head, and numbness and tingling in the arm and hand....
You may also have pain that starts in another body area and moves to your neck. Signs and symptoms will depend on what is causing your pain. You may have any of the following:Neck or muscle stiffness Tingling or numbness in your arms, hand, or fingers Muscle weakness or spasms Less ...
Most neck and back pain lasts for a limited time and goes away without special treatment. However, if you have weakness, pain going down your arm(s) or leg(s), or pain lasting for more than a few weeks, you should give us a call. ...
How Is Neck Pain Diagnosed? To diagnose what's causing your neck pain, your doctor may ask: When did the pain start? Have you been injured? Do you have numbness or weakness in your arms or hands? Does moving your neck in a certain way make things better or worse?
Abnormal conditions involving the spinal cord,heart, lungs, and some abdominal organs also can cause neck and shoulder pain. Here are some examples: Broken collarbone: Falling on your outstretched arm can cause your collarbone to break. This is particularly common when cyclers fall off of their ...