Figure of the posterior neck muscles and diagram demonstrating how the measurement plane was selected.Alixe, H. M. Kilgour
. Facial expression functions were classified into 3 degrees: grade 1 indicated basic occlusion function, including the orbicularis oris and ocular muscles; grade 2, basic social expression, including basic facial expressions showing happiness and sadness; and grade 3, delicate facial expressions, ...
When lifting different parts of skin and muscles, we generally use left or right bending hooks. The suction device is integrated into the hooks, with smoke inter- ference generated by energy instruments to be elimi- nated in time during the operation. 3. The main function of the suspension ...
The definition of the loads requires particular attention considered that the cervi- cal spine and muscles of the neck are a complex structure. However, generally, the movements of the human neck taken into account to evaluate neck forces are essentially extension, flexion, lateral bending and ...
18, 32 These muscles may be affected as a result of sacrifice of the spinal accessory nerve during radical neck dissection. Also, 6 patients had documented shoulder and neck dysfunction. These patients may benefit from specific rehabilitative inputs to reduce pain and impairment resulting from ...
New quantitative parameters have been proposed for studying or evaluating the effect of SM devices on their users’ neck muscles; (2) The ability to use the DT rules increases the prediction of neck pain; (3) The geometric measures of neck postures may increase the pain prediction; (4) As...
A poor or altered posture of the spine can put considerable pressure on the surrounding muscles and ligaments, which can eventually affect the stability of the spine. It can also cause strain and fatigue on the surrounding structures, which often leads to pain [3]. Forward head posture (FHP)...
Background: This study aimed to investigate the effect of fascial manipulation (FM) of the deep cervical fascia (DCF) and sequential yoga poses (SYP) on pain and function in individuals with mechanical neck pain (MNP). Method: Following the predefined cr
Finally, the cervical spine is the point of origin and insertion of many muscles whose functions are to stabilize and/or allow mobility of the head–neck joint. We can classify the neck muscles according to their positions (anterior or posterior muscles) and their depth in relation to the ...