Idiom: save (one's) breath To refrain from a futile appeal or effort: Save your breath; you can't dissuade them.[Middle English saven, from Old French sauver, from Late Latin salvāre, from Latin salvus, safe; see sol- in Indo-European roots.]sav′a·ble, save′a·ble adj....
Idiom: on/underpain of Subject to the penalty of (a specified punishment, such as death). [Middle English, from Old Frenchpeine, from Latinpoena,penalty, pain, from Greekpoinē,penalty; seekwei-inIndo-European roots.] Synonyms:pain, ache, pang, stitch, throe, twinge ...
Idiom: at risk In an endangered state, especially from lack of proper care: unsupervised children who are at risk of dropping out of school. [French risque, from Italian risco, rischio, probably from Medieval Greek rizikon, sustenance obtained by a soldier through his own initiative, ...
smoking is a risk factor for or in heart disease→ fumar constituye un factor de riesgo en las enfermedades cardíacasrisk management N→ gestión f de riesgos Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © Harper...
Idiom: on/underpain of Subject to the penalty of (a specified punishment, such as death). [Middle English, from Old Frenchpeine, from Latinpoena,penalty, pain, from Greekpoinē,penalty; seekwei-inIndo-European roots.] Synonyms:pain, ache, pang, stitch, throe, twinge ...