Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the neck circumferential of patients was determined by the location of the thyroid gland in centimeters and the distance between the outer ear canal and the upper edge of the manubrium was determined and divided by the circumference of the neck to achieve...
the group with high expression of ARGs (aginghigh) and the group with low expression of ARGs (aginglow). The bubble diagram shows that the TNF signaling pathway exhibits higher activity in the aging^high^ group (Fig.4E). This may indicate that increased TNF signaling pathway activity is asso...
Each of these categories is further subdivided into groups based on location and territory of drainage. The fascial planes of the neck are of considerable importance to the surgeon; they form convenient lines of cleavage through which the surgeon may separate the tissues in operative dissections. ...
the pixel location corresponding to the highest value was extracted to crop a volume of interest (VOI) using three times the extent of the maximum size of the OAR of interest. Then, SOARS segmented the fine boundaries of S&H
• Describe and state the location of the following ligaments associated with the vertebral column: anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments, ligamenta flava, interspinous ligaments, supraspinous ligaments, ligamentum nuchae, and intertransverse ligaments. • Identify the muscles in the superficial...
Here fibre-optic point measure- ments can be used as the location of the lesion is known. MFiagcurroesc1opic view of laser resected tumour orientated by suture and clinical diagram Macroscopic view of laser resected tumour orientated by suture and clinical diagram. This shows the complexity of ...
The purpose of this study was fourfold; (1) to examine the prevalence, location, severity, character, diagnosis and etiology of pain; and define associated functional impairments in a group of head and neck patients referred to the pain clinic of an international tertiary cancer treatment center ...
Patients with Karnofsky performance status < 80/100, tumor location in the salivary glands or unknown primary site, evidence of distant metastases at initial staging, and need for surgical procedures were excluded from this study. Clinical characteristics of these patients are summa- rized in Table...
Patients with Karnofsky performance status < 80/100, tumor location in the salivary glands or unknown primary site, evidence of distant metastases at initial staging, and need for surgical procedures were excluded from this study. Clinical characteristics of these patients are summa- rized in Table...
Current head and neck intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) techniques cause significant toxicity. This may be explained in part by the fact that IMRT cannot compensate for changes in the location ...