The necessity of water conservation cannot be overstated. Water, a vital resource, sustains all life on Earth. With populations growing and climates changing, fresh water supplies are becoming increasingly scarce. Conserving water through simple acts like turning off taps and using water-efficient appl...
The Need and Necessity of Water ConservationMysore Narayanan
节约用水的必要性 The Necessity of Saving Water With theincreasingly serious shortage of water resources, protecting water resourcesand water conservations has become an urgent task for human beings. If we donot cherish the water, then the last drop of water in earth would be our tears.At ...
With the increasingly serious shortage of water resources, protecting water resources and water conservations has become an urgent task for human beings. If we do not cherish the water, then the last drop of water in earth would be our tears. At present, some countries are facing with water ...
has become increasingly prominent. Some people may think that we can do nothing for water conservation or our efforts make no use to it. However, great things may be done by mass effort. As long as each of us has the sense of water conservation and take actions, we can see huge ...
节约用水的必要性TheNecessityofSavingWater Withtheincreasinglyseriousshortageofwaterresources,protectingwaterresourcesandwaterconservationshasbecomeanurgenttaskforhumanbeings.Ifwedonotcherishthewater,thenthelastdropofwaterinearthwouldbeourtears.Atpresent,somecountriesarefacingwithwatershortage,andtherearemorethanone...
lation.Itdiscussedtheurgencyandnecessityofwater-savinglegislationinordertoachievethepurposeofwater-savinglegislationandwaterre- sourcesconservation. Keywords:Water-savinglegislation;Urgency;Necessity 由于近年来我国部分地区连年出现干旱,加之我国的水 资源态势本来就十分严峻,我国立法部门已经深刻意识到节 水立法的紧迫性...
Draining: Wetlands are drained by the creation of ditches that collect and divert water away from the wetland. This process lowers the water table within the wetland, resulting in its desiccation and degradation. Initiatives for Wetland Conservation Global Efforts Ramsar Convention It is an intergovern...
16. The shortage of water necessitates water conservation measures. 水资源短缺必然需要实施节水措施。 17. You necessarily have to be patient when learning a new skill. 学习新技能时,你必然要耐心。 18. It is necessary to wear a seatbelt for your own safety. 出于自身安全考虑,系好安全带是必要的...
“It is of great necessity for”后接的对象可以是个人、组织、社会等不同层面。以“It is of great necessity for the government to address social inequality.”为例,说明了政府在解决社会不平等问题上的必要性。当我们说“It is of great necessity for us to save water.”时,是在呼吁大家节约用水的...