Hi friends, I am working on website in WordPress and the subject of that is free Ebooks Downloading So I need to know what are the important plugins you suggest to be used in it? please explain completely. Thank you . Reply Answers (4) ...
One of the WordPress features that baffles newbies and experienced users is Categories and Tags. It’s not hard to understand why – who knew, in the beginning, that every post must belong to at least one category? WordPress does it for you; hence the oh-so-uglyUncategorizedcategory. There...
And if a container launches the first time, the webserver output in the webbrowser is a simple "File not found" for our WordPress based projects. This has not been an issue in 2 years of use before and no change to my system environment occurred I'm aware of except Windows updates. T...
To run a website, there is a need of some kind of software in the backup such as HTML, PHP files, any Content management system like Drupal, Joomla, WordPress and so on. It depends what you choose then cost will differ accordingly. 5. Additional Component: Software technology is not eve...
Note: another clever way to manage wp-config.php is to have one master file common to all your environments. SeeWordPress-Config-Bootstrapfor details. SyncDB is designed to handle any of these methods. The Model This workflow is based on the following model. Generally speaking, there are thr...